Thursday, April 5, 2012


Oh our doggie Carissa might be pregnant?  She kinda looks like the breeding took.  She was bred with Cooper our lab who has a big picture on the bottom of this page.  Carissa looks just like him, so I think we will have a litter of beautiful yellow labs.  There are other colors in their background but being that they are both yellow, that is probably what we will get.  Oh I can hardly wait.  I have not had puppies for years here at my house, so I am looking forward to it  ,if she is really pregnant.  She is starting to look like it so we will know more in the few weeks to come... WOO HOO!!!

Friday, March 16, 2012


Have you been on pinterest?  Oh My you must check it out.  I am beverleym over there.  You can find just about everything you ever wanted to make.  It has all kinds of interesting craft and knitting and crochet and a multitude of other fun things.  You must check it out.  ... come see....

new blog

Wow I did not know it has been so long since I wrote here.  but I added a blog button named Katies blog over on the right and if you go to it , you will be amazed.  It is about a young girl that now lives in Uganda and works with orphans.  A must read!!!